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Privacy policy

1. Purpose of the privacy policy

This privacy policy applies to the personal data we collect about you for the purpose of providing the products and services we offer.

We have thus developed this Privacy Policy in order to inform you about how Sunnielle collects, uses and processes personal information on all websites it owns, including this website.

By using this site, you consent to the practices described in this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to this Privacy Policy, please do not use this site. We reserve the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy at any time. Any changes will be posted to this privacy policy, and the changes will apply to activities and information collected after posting. We encourage you to periodically review this Privacy Policy to ensure that you are informed of any changes and how your information may be used.

For any request or question regarding your personal data, please contact us by email at

2. Personal data collected by Sunnielle

Sunnielle may collect data about you from a variety of sources, such as:

Online or electronic interactions with Sunnielle, including through our websites.

Offline interactions with Sunnielle, including through promotional campaigns, contests, etc.

Interactions with online content, such as advertising, that Sunnielle or its suppliers provide through third-party websites or applications.

What data is collected?

2.1 Data provided directly to Sunnielle

This data that you provide to us with your consent for a specific purpose is:

-Contact details, namely any information that allows Sunnielle to contact you (e.g. name, address, e-mail, telephone number, etc.);

-Location information (e.g. postal code, city, district/county, etc.);

-Favorite products;

-Payment information - billing address - bank account;

-Registration or login information requested by the Sunnielle website (e.g. login ID/email, username);

-Feedback provided as a consumer, namely information you provide on the website about your experience in using products and services (e.g. comments and suggestions, testimonials or other information related to the products sold by Sunielle)

2.2 Data we collect when you interact with Sunnielle sites

We use cookies or other automated data storage methods to collect certain types of information that you provide when you interact with Sunnielle sites. Please see our Cookie Policy.

2.3 Data we collect from other sources

We do not collect data from other sources.

2.4 Personal data of minors

Sunnielle does not intentionally solicit or collect personal data from minors. In the event that it discovers that it has accidentally collected personal data from a minor, it will remove that data as soon as possible.

3. For what purposes does Sunnielle collect and use your personal data?

In general, toate informatiile colectate sunt utilizate in scopul prevazut, pentru care le-ati trimis catre noi, mentionat in momentul colectarii sau in politica de confidentialitate.

Sunnielle poate utiliza datele dumneavoastra personale intr-unul din urmatoarele scopuri:

Achizitia unor produse online din magazinul

Site-ul nostru permite achizitionarea produselor online. Daca cumparati un produs, sau mai multe produse din catalogul nostru online vi se va cere sa furnizati informatiile dumneavoastra personale precum – Nume, Prenume, Adresa, Telefon, Adresa de e-mail.

Aceste informatii sunt utilizate pentru a incheia achizitia dumneavoastra si pentru a confirma comanda.

Intretinerea contului

Pentru crearea si intretinerea conturilor dumneavoastra pe site-ul Sunnielle, inclusiv prin intermediul programelor de loialitate si recompensare asociate cu contul dumneavoastra.

Serviciul consumatorului

Pentru furnizarea serviciului consumatorului, inclusiv raspunsuri la solicitariile, plangerile sau feedback-ul general despre produsele noastre. Serviciul consumatorului poate fi furnizat prin intermediul unor forme de comunicare variate, precum email, scrisori, telefon sau chat online.

Implicarea consumatorului

Pentru o implicare activa a consumatorului in cunoasterea produselor si serviciilor. Aceasta poate insemna utilizarea publicarii continutului generat de utilizator. Exemplu: comentariile clientilor.


In unele situatii, Sunnielle poate sa contopeasca datele personale ale dumneavoastra colectate dintr-o anumita sursa (de ex. un site web) cu datele colectate dintr-o alta sursa. Aceasta furnizeaza o viziune completa asupra consumatorului.

Comunicari de marketing

Sunnielle colecteaza si prelucreaza datele dumneavoastra personale pentru comunicari comerciale precum email, SMS sau comunicari prin posta doar cu acordul dumneavoastra explicit. De asemenea, Sunnielle poate folosi datele dumneavoastra personale pentru comunicari comerciale pe alte website-uri, inclusiv retele sociale unde sunteti membru, prin corespondenta dintre activitatile si informatiile colectate pe website-urile noastre cu cele colectate pe website-uri terte (“Targeted Advertising”). Aceste comunicari comerciale va vor tine la curent cu cele mai noi stiri, evenimente, oferte speciale si promotii pentru marcile si produsele Sunnielle. Aceste comunicari comerciale sunt facute cu ajutorul “Cookie-urilor”. Daca nu mai doriti sa primiti in viitor astfel de comunicari trebuie sa refuzati cookie-urile atunci cand intrati pe website-ul nostru.

Aceste comunicari comerciale sunt facute de catre noi printr-un serviciu tert (Google/Adwords) . Aceste servicii pot avea acces la mai multe tipuri de date despre dumneavoastra pe care le colecteaza din toate site-urile pe care le vizitati dumneavoastra sau din retele de socializare pe care le frecventati.

Schimbarea acestor preferinte se poate face prin refuzarea politicii de cookie-uri si va implica excluderea dumneavoastra din listele noastre pentru campanii ulterioare de "Targeted Advertising"(reclame personalizate). Puteti de asemena accesa website-urile retelelor sociale unde sunteti membru pentru a verifica optiunile pe care le ofera pentru Targeted Advertising.

Va rugam sa aveti in vedere faptul ca puteti primi in continuare comunicari administrative din partea Sunnielle precum confirmarea comenzilor, notificari referitoare la activitatile dumneavoastra din cont (confirmarea contului, schimbare de parola etc) si anunturi importante, chiar daca refuzati politica de cookie-uri. De asemenea, veti vedea anunturi publicitare generale pe website-urile Sunnielle, pe alte website-uri si in retelele sociale unde sunteti membru.

Newslettere si e-mail-uri

Daca ne furnizati adresa dumneavoastra de e-mail (fie ca parte a inregistrarii pe site-ul nostru general sau pentru un buletin de stiri sau de comunicare specifice), datele de contact pe care le furnizati vor fi utilizate pentru a va trimite newsletter-ul solicitat. Daca nu doriti sa mai fiti abonati la newsletter puteti folosi butonul de deazabonare inclus.

Putem folosi, de asemenea, adresa dumneavoastra de email pentru a va trimite comunicari tranzactionale sau administrative (de exemplu, e-mail de confirmare atunci cand achizitionati un produs on-line, atunci cand va inscrieti / va dezabonati de la o inregistrare sau activitate specifica), precum si anumite servicii legate de anunturi (de exemplu, anunturi despre update-uri la notificarea noastra de confidentialitate, intreruperi sau schimbari la serviciile noastre online sau politicile de suport tehnic sau alte modificari conexe). Impreuna, aceste tipuri de comunicari sunt mentionate in aceasta politica de confidentialitate ca fiind "Comunicari administrative."

Tombole, concursuri si promotii

Pentru a va inregistra la tombole on-line, concursuri sau alte promotii (in mod colectiv, "Promotii"), vi se poate cere sa va inregistrati in primul rand pe site-ul Informatiile colectate in cadrul unei promotii sunt folosite pentru a determina eligibilitatea dumneavoastra, si pentru a va notifica daca sunteti castigator si / sau pentru a va livra un premiu. Daca sunteti un castigator, anumite informatii despre dumneavoastra (cum ar fi numele si imaginea) pot fi postate la site-ul sau pe paginile Sunnielle din reteleele de socializare. Daca minorilor li se permite sa participe la o promotie, vom obtine mai intai acordul parintilor, daca este necesar.

Pentru mai multe informatii despre promotii, va rugam sa consultati regulile oficiale sau detalii postate la promotia respectiva.


Exista doua tipuri de anchete sau sondaje care pot fi efectuate pe site-urile Sunnielle. Unul este in cazul in care sunt solicitate informatii pur demografice pentru sondaj (de exemplu, varsta, genul, informatii despre membrii familiei si alte interese, etc) si informatiile nu sunt legate de nici o informatie personala despre dumneavoastra.

4. To whom does Sunnielle disclose your personal data and why?

Sunnielle will never disclose your personal data to a third party business organization that intends to use it for direct marketing purposes unless you have expressly given your consent to do so. Sunnielle may provide your personal data to other companies within the Sunnielle Group. Sunnielle may also provide your personal data to third parties outside the Sunnielle Group, but strictly limited to the following situations:

4.1 Affiliated companies

Sunnielle may provide your personal data to affiliated companies for specified and legitimate purposes.

4.2 Service Providers, Agents and Contractors

We may use third parties, such as service providers, agents or contractors, to provide support for the internal operations of our site and to assist us with the administration of the website or the various features, programs and promotions available. Some of these third parties may be located outside the country in which you accessed this site.

When you speak to one of our chat operators, this data is stored on the servers of this service provider. These third parties and their employees may come into contact with your personal information. Any such third party must at all times provide the same levels of security for your personal information as Sunnielle and, where necessary, is bound by a legal agreement to keep your personal information secure and to process it only on Sunnielle's specific instructions.

Another example could be a courier who needs your personal data to make a delivery.

4.3 Partners and joint promotions

From time to time, we may run a joint or co-sponsored program or promotion on our site with another company, organization, or other party, and we may collect and process personal information. If your personal information is collected by (or shared with) a company other than Sunnielle as part of such promotion, we will notify you of this at the time your personal information is collected.

If you do not want your information to be collected by or shared with a company other than ours, you can always choose not to register or participate in these promotions when requesting personal information.

4.4 Legal and business transfers

We may also disclose your personal information if we are required to do so by law, or if, in our good faith belief, such action is reasonably necessary to comply with legal process, respond to any claims, or protect the safety or rights of Sunnielle, its customers, or the public.

In the event of a merger or acquisition of all or part of Sunnielle by another company, or in the event that Sunnielle sells or disposes of all or a portion of its business, the acquirer would have access to information maintained by Sunnielle, which may include personal information, depending on applicable law. Similarly, personal information may be transferred as part of a corporate reorganization, insolvency proceedings, or other similar event, if permitted by and in accordance with applicable law.

5. What happens if you refuse to provide personal data?

If you do not choose to provide any personal information when requested, you may not be able to participate in certain personalized activities and features on our sites and may have limited access to services and special offers, or you may not be able to place an order. For example, if you decline to share your email address, you will not be able to receive any newsletters and you will not be able to register on our sites, nor will you be able to place an order. If you decline to provide your name, address, telephone number or email address, you will not be able to purchase products from a Sunnielle online store. However, to simply browse our sites and learn more about our products, you do not need to provide us with any personal information.

6. User rights

6.1 Rights relating to marketing communications

You have the following rights regarding the receipt of relevant marketing communications:

Follow the instructions regarding the right to opt out of marketing communications.

If you would like to change these options, please contact us by email

Please note that if you have opted out of receiving marketing communications, you may still receive administrative communications from Sunnielle, such as confirmations or notifications related to activities related to your account.

6.2 Right to access and rectify personal data

It is good to know that you have the right to request access to your personal data. In this situation, you can send us an access request to the following e-mail address: If Sunnielle cannot honor this request, it will take care to provide you with the necessary explanation. At the same time, you also have the right to request the rectification of erroneous information within your personal data. If you have an account on one of the Sunnielle sites, this activity can be carried out through the "My Account" section. If you do not have a Sunnielle account, you can send us a request to the following e-mail address: through which we can rectify your erroneous data.

Any data subject has the right to obtain from the operator, free of charge, the rectification, updating, blocking or deletion of data whose processing is not in accordance with the law, in particular incomplete or inaccurate data.

6.3 Right to information

The operator is obliged to notify the data subject about the processing of his or her personal data.

6.4 The right to opposition

The right to object (the data subject has the right to object at any time to the processing of data concerning him/her); You have the right not to be subject to an individual decision made based on automated processing;

6.5 Right to withdraw consent;

6.6 The right to seek justice;

6.7 Right to data portability

6.8 The right to file a complaint with the national personal data protection authority.

7. Tracking technology – how and why is it used?

Sunnielle uses tracking technologies (Cookies, IP addresses, log files, web beacons) to collect certain information, such as browser type and operating system, referring page, site navigation, ISP domain, device, location, etc. in order to improve the use and functionality of our sites and to better understand how visitors use our sites, as well as the tools and services offered. Tracking technologies help us adapt our sites to your personal needs.

7.1 Cookies

We use cookies to improve the usability and functionality of our sites and to better understand how visitors use our sites, as well as the tools and services we offer. Storing cookies on your computer provides an easy and convenient way for us to personalize or improve your experience on our sites and make your next visit more enjoyable. The same cookies are used to display advertisements on third-party sites based on your preferences.

If you would like to learn more about Sunnielle's policy on Cookies and your rights, please visit the Sunnielle Cookies Policy.

7.2 IP address

We may track Internet Protocol (IP) addresses for (among other purposes): (i) technical troubleshooting, (ii) maintaining the safety and security of the site, (iii) restricting access to our sites to certain users, and (iv) better understanding how our sites are used. An IP address is a number that is used by computers on a network to identify your computer each time you connect to the Internet.

7.3 Log Files

We (or a third party on our behalf) may collect information in the form of log files that record site activity and gather statistical information about users' browsing habits. These logs are generated anonymously, and help us gather (among other things) (i) the user's browser type and operating system, (ii) information about a user's session (such as the URL they came from, the date and time they visited the site, the pages on our site they visited and for how long), and (iii) other similar navigation or click-stream data. We also use information captured in the log file for our internal marketing and demographic studies so that we can continually improve and personalize the online services we offer you. Log files are used internally only, and are not associated with any specific user.

7.4 Web Beacons

We may use web beacons (or clear GIFs) on our websites or include them in emails we send to you. Web beacons (also known as "web bugs") are small strings of code that provide a method of delivering a graphic image on a web page or in an email message for the purpose of transferring data back to us. The information collected through web beacons may include some of the information described in the IP Address section above, as well as information about how a user responds to an email campaign (for example, the time an email is opened, where the user enters that email, etc.). We use Web Beacons information for various purposes, including, but not limited to, reporting site traffic, the number of unique visitors, advertising and email auditing and reporting, and personalization.

8. Security and storage of personal data

Sunnielle takes all necessary technical and organizational measures to protect the confidentiality and security of your personal information collected on our sites, including sensitive personal information and personal information from minors. These efforts include, but are not necessarily limited to: (i) storing your personal information in secure operating environments that are not available to the public and that are accessible only to authorized Sunnielle employees and our agencies and contractors; (ii) using industry-standard SSL encryption techniques to protect the security of certain sensitive personal information (such as credit card or health information) during transmission to our sites; and, (iii) verifying the identity of registered site users before they can access their personal information.

Sunnielle may retain the personal information that you send us through this website in a database, such as a customer database. Your personal data will be kept by the Sunnielle Group only for as long as it is used to answer your questions or resolve certain situations or to bring improvements and new services, subject to legal requirements and legislation in force. This means that we may retain your personal data for a certain period of time even after you stop using Sunnielle services or this website. After this period of time, your data will be deleted.

We remind you that you have the right of access to your personal data, the right of opposition, the right not to be subject to an individual decision, the right to address the courts, to oppose the processing of data and to request that your personal data be deleted at any time, rights that you can exercise under the terms of the law.

9. How can you contact us?

If you have any questions, complaints, or comments regarding this privacy policy or our information collection practices, please contact us at

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